Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council
Swine are probably our number one 4-H Project in Manistee County 4-H! Pork is a great staple of many Northern Michigan freezers in the winter, which makes it very popular for 4-Hers to raise and sell for Buyers and for their Families.
Youth, ages 5 to 19, are eligible to show and market* Swine with 4-H at the Manistee County Fair.
*The current rules, under the by-laws of the Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council, state that all 4-H participants MUST complete one year of SHOWMANSHIP ONLY before they can market an animal. Cloverbud years DO count towards this requirement. No 4-Her may market ANY animal until 4-H age 8, per State of Michigan 4-H Rules.
Tagging Update for 2021-22
If your breeder does not tag with a USDA 840 tag prior to your project pig leaving their farm, you will need to secure your own premise ID tag from MDARD.
For more information, follow the link to the MDARD article below:
Possession Dates & Minimum/Maximum Weights
All Swine must have a birth date on or after January 15 of the current Fair year.
Two (2) hogs may be tagged each year, but only one (1) may be sold per member per year. Must be barrow (castrated male) or gilt (female).
Hog intended for Market MUST be identified before either hog is weighed at Check-In.
Hogs may be Roaster or Market Class.
Minimum market weight for Swine is 220 pounds, maximum weight is 325 pounds, as of CHECK-IN Day of Fair.
Minimum market weight for Roaster Swine is 150 pounds, maximum weight is 220 pounds, as of CHECK-IN Day of Fair.
Swine weighing over 325 pounds will be marketed at Auction at 325 pounds.
Purchase or Proof of Origin MUST be provided for ALL Livestock Animals.
Mark Your Calendar!
Registration of your Swine 4-H Animal Project for Show and/or Market is due June 25! Click the button to be taken to the registration form.
4-H Swine Projects can be registered by filling out:
the Fillable PDF and emailing it as an attachment to the Manistee Livestock Council or 4-H Program Coordinator
by filling out the Google Form and submitting it Online