Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council
Feeder Calves
Feeder Calves are great introductory 4-H project as a lead into bigger Cattle. While Feeder Calves can be sold at the 4-H Auction at the Manistee County Fair, it is generally recommended that a 4-H youth keeps their calf or calves for another year to raise them to market age and weight, THEN sell them at Auction as a Beef or Dairy** Steer.
Youth, ages 5 to 19, are eligible to show and market* Feeder Calves with 4-H at the Manistee County Fair. Youth may register any of the following combinations:
Two (2) Beef Feeder Calves
Two (2) Dairy Feeder Calves
One (1) Beef Feeder Calf and One (1) Dairy Feeder Calf
*The current rules, under the by-laws of the Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council, state that all 4-H participants MUST complete one year of SHOWMANSHIP ONLY before they can market an animal. Cloverbud years DO count towards this requirement.
No 4-Her may market ANY animal until 4-H age 8.
**Dairy Feeders/Steers MUST be Purebreds or crossed with other Dairy Breeds ONLY. No Beef Crosses.
Possession Dates & Minimum/Maximum Weights
Beef and/or Dairy Feeder Calves must have a birth date on or after December 1 of the prior Fair year.
Dairy Feeder Calves MUST be purebreds, no Beef Crosses.
Minimum market weight for Beef and/or Dairy Feeder Calves is 300 pounds, maximum weight is 700 pounds, as of CHECK-IN Day of Fair.
Calves weighing over 700 pounds will be marketed at Auction at 700 pounds.