Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council

About Us
The Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council serves the 4-H youth of Manistee, Benzie, and Lake counites, located in Northwest Michigan. We are made up of 5 to 12 Michigan State University Extension Volunteers and serve elected three-year council terms, with Executive offices being held for one year. The majority of our Council has a background in animal husbandry and farming, are 4-H Alumni themselves, have children currently enrolled in the 4-H Program, or a combination of all of the above.
The Manistee 4-H Livestock Council holds meetings on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm EST at Onekama Township Hall. We strongly encourage the public to attend and make their voice heard to contribute to the improvement and expansion of our 4-H Program. For more information about attending meetings, please visit our Upcoming Events tab above.

Our Program
Our 4-H Livestock Program in Manistee and Benzie County is open to all youth 4-H age* 5 to 19. The focus of our program is evidence-based Animal Husbandry to provide quality life care to the raising and showing of Market Livestock and all that encompasses such as: Nutrition, Housing, Medical Care, and General Health Maintenance.
Every Thursday of Fair Week, we hold our Annual 4-H Livestock Auction to the public. We require our 4-H Youth to acquire their own Buyers for their 4-H Livestock Project. This helps them learn valuable marketing and communication skills, as well as fully invests them in the quality of their Final Animal Projects.
*4-H Age is determined by the age of a Youth on January 1 of the current 4-H Year (Sept. 1 thru Aug. 31).

Scholarship and Leadership
Manistee Co. 4-H Livestock Council supports Scholarship opportunities for our Youth Participants through County Clinic, MSU Exploration Days, and other opportunities for educational advancements.
We also offer Leadership Opportunities for our Youth as 4-H Youth Ambassadors, 4-H Livestock Council Members, and Youth/Teen Club Leaders.
When our Youth take part in these opportunities they gain valuable educational insights, public speaking experience, self-esteem, and confidence. These are all relatable life skills that they can carry with them for a lifetime as they become civilly-active and engaged members of their communities.