Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council
Beef Steer
Beef Cattle, the staple of Fairs and 4-H programs everywhere. Manistee County is home to a number of beef producers and farms making it an obvious part of the Manistee County 4-H program.
Common Beef Breeds shown by 4-H at the Manistee County Fair are Angus and Shorthorn, however other breeds in our Fair Book are: Charolais, Hereford, Red Poll, Simmental, Crossbreeds, and Other Beef Breeds.
Manistee County 4-H is always looking to improve and adapt our Livestock Program! If there is a specific breed you would like to show in our Beef category, please reach out to the Council and 4-H Program Coordinator!
Youth, ages 10 to 19, are eligible to show and market* Beef Cattle with 4-H at the Manistee County Fair.
*The current rules, under the by-laws of the Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council, state that all 4-H participants MUST complete one year of SHOWMANSHIP ONLY before they can market an animal. Cloverbud years DO count towards this requirement. No 4-Her may market ANY animal until 4-H age 8.
4-H Youth between the ages of 10 and 11 (as of Jan. 1) MUST have minimum one (1) year Feeder Calf experience to show a Steer. If a youth has no previous Feeder Calf experience, they must be 12 years of age (as of Jan. 1) to be eligible to show a Steer.
Possession Dates & Minimum/Maximum Weights
Beef Steers must be, MAXIMUM, two (2) years old as of the current Fair year.
Minimum market weight for Beef Steers is 1000 pounds, as of CHECK-IN Day of Fair.
No Maximum weight.