Manistee County 4-H Livestock Council
Who Can Become a Council Member?
Adults who are registered 4-H Club Leaders or have ties to the local Manistee, Benzie, and Lake County 4-H Programs (parent of 4-H member, individual who volunteers at 4-H functions or assists at 4-H Club meetings, etc.) who have completed the Volunteer Selection Process at the Gold level are eligible for membership.
Term length is three (3) years, and a maximum of two consecutive terms may be served. After an absence of one (1) year, a former member is eligible for membership.
Prospective Candidates
How to Apply
All candidates must complete a “Prospective Candidate Form” prior to the election in order to be included on the official ballot. Names received after the official ballot is made may be included as “write-in” candidates. All nominations must be presented and voted on no later than the October Council Meeting of that year. Member terms will run from November to November. (The actual 4-H Program Year is September 1 through August 31)
All prospective candidates must also have completed and been accepted as Gold Volunteers through Michigan State University Extension Volunteer Selection Process and be in Good Standing at the time of application.